Electricity connect 2024

Electricity Connect 2024

The Electricity Connect is the event) unification for The Indonesia National Electricity Day (INED), Nusantara Power Connect (NP Connect), and PLN Locomotion. It is a showcase of ASEAN Electricity, expertise knowledge, innovative solutions and foresight from industry leaders, coherent with ASEAN’s strategy to achieve a smooth transition towards a low-carbon energy future.

The theme of this event is “Go Beyond Power, Energizing The Future” is meant aims to break down silos and foster greater collaboration across the industry by connecting and engaging all stakeholders in the ASEAN electricity sector, from policymakers and regulators to technology providers and energy consumers, as well as bringing in international and global perspective into one single platform to offer actions towards sustainable energy future and to meet the energy transition goal.

pjb connect

Jakarta Convention Center,
Jakarta – Indonesia


NOVEMBER 20th – 22nd  2024

Visit our Booth No. B-15




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