
Ultrasonic Thickness 39DL Plus

Streamline your ultrasonic thickness inspection process with one fast, connected, and reliable handheld gauge. The 39DL PLUS
gauge works as a precision or corrosion thickness gauge for demanding applications. With world-class ultrasonic capability, fast scanning speeds up to a 60 Hz update rate, and fully integrated wireless connectivity, our flagship handheld gauge delivers results you can trust in a seamless workflow.


› Connected: Data transfer options include integrated Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB, RS-232, and a removable microSD card
› Fast: Scan for minimal thickness areas at a 2 times faster display update rate
› Versatile: Tackle multiple thickness applications with a full line of dual and single element transducers
› Reliable: Obtain accurate, reproducible measurements with exceptional signal quality, stable waveforms, and optimized algorithm


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