Light and portable device that provides a fast, non-intrusive method to gain accurate insights of objects below the surface of concrete. Conquest 100 reduces risk by detecting rebar, post-tension cables, metallic and non-metallic conduits as well as current-carrying wires embedded in concrete.




  • Locate rebar, post-tension cables, metallic and non-metallic conduits.
  • Create detailed scans of concrete floors, decks, columns, walls and ceilings to detect embedded objects before cutting or coring.
  • Detect voids beneath slab-on-grade.
  • Locate and map current carrying wires using Power Cable Detector (PCD) technology.


Important features:


  • Line Scan reconnaissance surveys provide a real-time assessment of targets embedded in concrete. Pinpoint targets with the backup arrow.
  • Grid Scan Mode detailed mapping generates on-site 3D images to better visualize embedded objects. Multiple grid sizes are available.
  • Power Cable Detector (PCD) technology
  • Instant on-site report. Connect to mobile device allowing the operator to email inspection data from the field.
  • Post inspection EKKO Projects software (included in Conquest 100 Enhanced unit) to visualize data, analysis and generate report.






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